Pakistan faces severe global warming crisis, polar and mountain glaciers may continue to melt for decades, UN says.
Pakistan faces severe global warming crisis, polar and mountain glaciers may continue to melt for decades, UN warns of melting glaciers in Pakistan.
According to a report by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Pakistan is facing a global warming crisis. The report says that polar and mountain glaciers are likely to continue to melt for decades, with dire consequences, a situation that could be considered a sign of danger. Keeping in mind that the weather is becoming more severe all over the world, the temperature of Pakistan has also increased by 83 degrees in the last one century.
Severe weather is reaching every corner of the world, July 2021 was declared the warmest month on the planet by the international organization Nova. Greenhouse gases cause global warming, the most important of which is carbon dioxide, which absorbs sunlight and prevents it from returning to space, thus causing global warming.
Forests and plants have the ability to absorb these gases, so experts are emphasizing their protection and growth. It is noteworthy that as the heat intensified in June this year, the melting of glaciers accelerated dramatically. – Melting glaciers in several areas of Hunza and Upper Hunza in Gilgit-Baltistan also raised fears of flooding and flooding – after which Special Assistant Malik Amin Aslam arrived in Hunza on an emergency visit at the behest of the Prime Minister Malik Amin Aslam had also directed the teams of experts in Hopper and Nagar to remain alert.